
The Benefits of Thai Boxing For Teens

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In this day of childhood obesity, parents are always looking for ways to get their teenagers off the couch and getting exercise in a way that is fun and doesn’t feel like work. This is where Thai Boxing comes in. Regardless of your child’s age or skill level, this exciting program will help them in many ways. Your child will develop self-control, confidence, self-discipline, and focus, all while learning valuable self-defense. This workout will increase your child’s strength, stamina, coordination, and stability.

From a cardiovascular standpoint, your child will develop core strength, improve his reflexes, and increase his flexibility. Kids dealing with mental stress (and what teenager isn’t!) find this to be a very positive outlet. Teens will also make friendships with other kids with similar interests. Teenagers are typically dealing with peer pressure and low self-esteem. Learning Thai boxing will help your child to be confident, self-assured, and respectful of others. The main focus of Martial Arts training in general is not just about learning self-defense. It is about perfection of character.

Because boxing helps an individual’s concentration, it is often a recommended workout for kids with ADD or ADHD. They benefit from the structured training techniques. It also helps them channel any anger or frustration they are feeling and gives them a needed outlet for their excess energy.

You may be worried that your child will become increasingly violent with his newfound knowledge. Since such emphasis is put on respecting others, bullying is not a result of Martial Arts training. As a matter of fact, kids and teenagers develop more positive social behaviour as a result of their skill. You may also be worried that your child will be injured. Statistics show that your child will more likely be injured playing sports, than in practicing Martial Arts. However, you should make sure that the program in which you enrol your teenager uses safety measures, such as padded floors and that protective equipment is worn during sparring.

Whether your teenager is an introvert or an extrovert, this program can benefit him in many ways. Thai boxing can draw the introvert out of his shyness and bring out his inner “tiger.” He will come away feeling more self-confident than ever. The extrovert will find Thai boxing to be an excellent way to channel all his surplus energy. He will become calmer and more composed now that he has a healthy outlet in which to compete with others. The bottom line is this: your child will come out of the program a healthier, more rounded individual that you can be very proud of. He will be more prepared to face the future with the skills and knowledge that he has obtained here.

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