
A New Cult in Video Editing Technique – Green Screen Technology

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When you need to edit fractions in a motion picture or footage by means of special effects and audio, the method to use would be video editing. Special effects let photographers infuse new level life into any clip and possibly with it they can communicate fictional or real events in a way desired. The goal to make use of this technique is to manipulate the actions in a clip and make them communicate message that you intend to give in your own way. One of the new cults in video editing stream is the Green Screen Technology. A photographer can possibly shape a video the way he wants and could create something of a fantasy by going away from realism. The boundaries are not limited as the technique lets you make full use of its capability so that you could create a dream-like world.

Green screen is a procedure wherein two images are merged into one. The hue of one image is removed only to reveal the other. Although some make use of blue color as well but it has been observed that green works well as sensors in digital cameras are sensitive to this particular color. But one of the ways to decide upon what color should be used is by letting subject using least of the screen color. For example, if there is a green field in the background as a theme then the same hue would be the right selection however if you wish to keep sea or sky in the background then blue would be a good choice. For this selective technology, apt lighting arrangement and using camera of high quality are essential.

Proper lighting would help avoid shadows on subject’s face or apparel else it might destroy the effect of the image. So, having taken care of all these prerequisites, you could see an amazingly clear picture come out. The new technique could be used for magazines, journals, on the Internet or photo shoots. A lot of fashion houses whilst conducting photo shoots do make use of it to enhance the experience of photography or even filmmakers try using it in films and videos to beautify the content.

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Source by Angel Wood