
Happy New Year 2021!

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Happy New Year 2021!

Andrew’s Summary of 2020
Always Look On The Bright Side of Life
Flickr version
January 1st, 2021

I’m gonna jump into the personal stuff shortly, but first of all, if you’re reading this, you survived 2020! And to be clear, I don’t mean you survived the isolation of lockdown or a toilet paper shortage. What I mean is that COVID-19 didn’t kill you.

Because of a combination of good luck, the efforts of essential workers, and the personal sacrifices you’ve made, you survived a year of the worst pandemic in 100 years.

And as of this writing, 9.8 million people around the world have had at least their first dose of the vaccination. Remember in the spring, when the expectation was that we wouldn’t see a vaccine for at least a year and a half? The fact that society is able to get vaccinations underway less than a year after this chaos started is pretty close to our generation’s “man on the moon” moment. It shows that when enough people give a shit about our common well-being (even if the motivation is to protect ourselves first), we can accomplish damn near anything.

Now on to the stuff that happened in my life in 2020:

I’ve often thought back to December 2019; about the last few weeks of the Before Times… and how the world was about to change, but we had no idea. Ally and I had gone up to my dad’s house for Christmas dinner, opening presents, eating, and carrying on with my family of origin and extended family. I even learned how to play dreidel. We watched the first season of The Mandalorian that month, and that’s the last thing I really remember doing before the pandemic hit the news.

Was 2020 the worst year in my life?

No, it wasn’t. It was shitty, but I’ve had worse years. In fact, 2020 was alright not too bad for me personally, in spite of some challenges.

We rang in the new year with Tina at Greenwood Park, after meeting up for a drink at a small, crowded bar on Gerrard Street. Fuck, can you imagine going to a crowded, narrow bar now? Hell no!

The first event that set the tone for 2020 was the death of Neil Peart, my drumming hero, on January 7th. He influenced my playing more than anyone else, especially in my late teens/early 20s.

On January 11th, we went to my mom’s house for my grandmother’s 90th birthday party. Another big family gathering that would be illegal now! I don’t remember when my grandmother flew up from Newfoundland, but she got stuck here until the end of June because of the pandemic. A highlight of that evening was taking a picture of Willow (the cat) staring at a wall.

As January went on, it became more apparent to me that my main employer didn’t know whether they were going to get funding to continue my job as a Gambling Addiction Case Worker. On January 17th, they issued me a letter stating that my contract would come to an end on February 16th, unless they found funding. So as disappointed as I was, I started winding down, by calling and informing my clients and taking my belongings home. Each day I would fill my Stephen Colbert canvas bag with my plants, books, and little appliances that I’d brought in, and take them home on the streetcar. I felt like bringing stuff home bit by bit would look less like “Wow, poor guy musta gotten fired”, compared to going home with everything at once. But let’s be honest; it’s me, and I wouldn’ta been able to carry all of my office belongings in one go, anyway.

I agreed to go back to Relief in Shelter Services in the hopes that funding would come through, and told myself that I would stick around until April, which is when the assistant executive director said they’d expect to hear about funding. While it was definitely not a “relief” (har har) to lose my job, it did allow me to move forward with my Europe trip.

On January 22nd, Ally and I went to my first Raptors game with tickets I’d won at work, and that was pretty fun. The Raptors actually won, which is unheard of for a Toronto team when I attend a major-league game. I’ve only been to one Leafs game, but every time I go to a Jays game, they lose.

Around that same time, I joined Planet Fitness. We went two or three times before the plague shut it down.

Also in January, I recorded a couple of Neil Young songs on GarageBand and sent them to my dad electronically to add parts to, and we sent them back and forth until they were finished in the spring. It was nice to be able to do that. This was the first time that I sang lead vocals on a completed recorded song, even if it was a cover.

In late January, the first known case of coronavirus came to Canada. At that point, it had spread to some other countries, but the numbers were still very low, and I figured it wouldn’t be as bad as SARS. I figured it would spread, but I figured it wouldn’t be as bad as it had been in China. Nothing was shut down; there was no panic-buying, and everyone was still carrying on pretty much normally, albeit perhaps washing our hands a bit more and making more effort to stay away from people who were coughing… But if only I knew in late January 2020 what I know now…if only we all knew. But to be fair, we have to forgive ourselves for the earliest part of the pandemic, since we didn’t have access to much information or PPE.

On January 31st, Ally and I took the bus to Niagara Falls for a few nights on a Groupon. We stayed at the Niagara Falls Marriott Fallsview Hotel & Spa, which was pretty nice. We could see and hear the falls from our room. We treated ourselves to a delicious buffet breakfast both mornings (Remember buffets? They’re cancelled now). We walked down to the falls, which were flowing, but the mist had created an icy wonderland all over the surrounding trees, grass, and railings. We got a couples’ massage and read books by the big window in our room. Ally tried to get me to relax, but I have ADD, so slowing down and relaxing is not my strong suit.

I found out around early February that my main employer had actually secured one year of funding to keep one full-time Gambling Addiction Case Worker. But they gave it to my coworker (Coworker A), who switched over from a different role in 2019 after Coworker M left. Management apparently told Coworker A that they couldn’t offer it to me because I had been funded from an outside source. It’s true that my job was funded by an outside source, and I knew that they may have had to offer it to Coworker A first due to seniority…but from my perspective, Coworker A didn’t have to accept it, since she had a full-time job in the organization to go back to. When she took over from Coworker M in 2019, she told me that if it came down to this, she wouldn’t take my job. But she went back on her word. I “checked out”, so to speak. Several coworkers expressed to me that they were pissed off at Coworker A for doing that. It really made my last few weeks there an unpleasant experience, which sucked because I had really hit my stride in terms of confidence as a gambling counsellor by that point. My last shift as a GACW was on February 14th.

By that time, my Europe-trip-planning was in full swing. I was looking at Google Maps, calculating important times and little details, and booking tickets for trains, planes, and concentration camps. I was getting concerned about going to Europe as the pandemic was slowly growing, but by the time I was ready to go, there were only 14 confirmed cases combined in the four countries I was going to visit.

On the evening of Monday February 24th, Ally drove me to the airport, and we said goodbye as I got in the security line. Then my eyes started to water up.

I had spent 10 days apart from Ally a few times in previous years while she went to the meditation center, but I’d never spent 14 days apart on another continent. And it was my first solo trip. I’d flown by myself before, but always on short flights to meet someone (usually Dad) at the other end.

I got on the plane and was shocked to find that the seat next to mine was empty…for the whole flight. It had been a long time since I’ve experienced that!

After about an hour of sleep, I landed in London the next morning and got on the subway. It looked more like spring in England. I dropped off my one-ton backpack at the hotel and went for a walk in Kensington Gardens, then came back, questioned [through tears] the wisdom of my decision to fly to Europe for two weeks without my wife, and fell asleep.

Over the next few days, I saw the Tower of London, walked across the Tower Bridge and London Bridge, walked to the top of the Monument to the Great Fire of London, saw Buckingham Palace and went into Harrods. Then I took the Eurostar train through the Chunnel to Belgium, and took the SNCB train to Bruges. Walking down the road from the train station, it felt like I was in the 1450s. The woman at the hotel said some parts of the town are from the 700s. Also, it was the land of chocolate. If you haven’t been to Bruges, definitely go there after the pandemic if you get a chance!

After two days in Bruges, I took another commuter train to Antwerp for a couple of hours, then took the Thalys train to Amsterdam. The interior of the Thalys train was straight out of an Austin Powers movie. Once I got settled at the hotel in Amsterdam, I walked to a large, mostly-empty restaurant and ate a thin-crust pizza by myself. As much as I loved seeing the sights, I was self-conscious about asking for yet another table for one. And as per my previous trip to Europe in 2008, they still only served pop in tiny bottles. I guess growing up in Canada, restaurants here are influenced by the American tendency to supersize everything.

I spent the next few days walking around taking pictures of houses that looked like gingerbread, streetcars, and an old wooden windmill. I walked through the Red Light District, but it was still pretty early so there wasn’t a lot to see. Plus I was 34 and married, not 19 and single, so yeah.

On March 4th, the day Poland had its first confirmed case, I got on a blue KLM plane and flew to Kraków. There were a couple of young guys on the plane wearing masks, and I felt uneasy, but again, this plane wasn’t packed, and I had upgraded my seat for only 4 Euros, which provided a bit more physical distancing (or social distancing, as it was still called then).

Kraków is another town with a magnificent old square in the middle, and it was neat to be in an Eastern European city. Most of the people could speak English reasonably well though, so that helped.

The next day, I took an old, slow commuter train to Oświęcim. I wanted to see Auschwitz, as we skipped that when I went to Europe the first time, but I also wanted to see the town. The locals in Oświęcim had a much harder time with English, but a young guy saw me at the bus stop and helped me figure out where to go.

Auschwitz didn’t hit me as hard as I thought it might, but that’s probably because it wasn’t my first visit to a concentration camp. But I’m glad I went. I took the train back to Kraków that afternoon, and the next day I flew back to London on British Airways. The next day, I flew back to Toronto.

By the time I got back home, there were 956 confirmed cases in the UK, Belgium, Netherlands and Poland combined.

As much as losing my job sucked, I wouldn’t have been able to go to Europe had I kept it. And frankly, had I stayed in that job, I would have been redeployed as a Shelter worker anyway. I would have been more exposed to potential COVID carriers on the job, and I would have continued taking the streetcar five days a week, increasing my chance of exposure that way. So now that 2020 is over, I can say that losing that full-time job, because it happened as the pandemic was growing, was a blessing.

A week after getting home, Ontario went into lockdown. That seems to be the date that the general public uses as the start of all these restrictions, but I didn’t experience it the same way it seems other people have. I had just lost my job for reasons unrelated to the pandemic, but soon thereafter, I would be categorized as an essential worker. I worked from office through the rest of the pandemic. Due to various rules, I can’t work from home very often.

Soon, we were washing our fruits and veggies in the bathtub and spraying our cereal boxes with Lysol before bringing them into the apartment. Not using Lysol wipes, because those sold out and haven’t reappeared. In mid-March, I went to get a COVID test for some reason, but they turned me away. In the meantime, the selfish were starting to strip the grocery stores of goods that I needed!

In March, I downloaded a couple of Zelda songs recorded by The Versions, and it led to a small obsession with the old Zelda Game Boy games for a good few weeks; primarily just looking at the game maps and listening to the music. To paraphrase Supernintendo Chalmers, I’m an odd fellow, but I steam a good ham.

At the end of March, I was offered a new job with my other employer; this time as a full-time Admissions Case Manager. Since I had done that work before, I decided to accept it. I started April 6th, this time working out of Oakville.

We had our first family gathering over Zoom for Easter, thankfully setting the precedent for safe “gatherings” for the rest of the year. Ally started making masks with a little sewing machine I got her for her birthday, since it was pretty much impossible to buy masks at that time. This was the first time in 100 years that the masses needed masks, so there was basically no supply.

In April, I started posting old APS film pictures for the memories. I think it was a comfort thing for me and perhaps for the people who saw them, too, as they were all from around 1995 to 2004, which for me represents a time of relative innocence, and certainly a period of not-being-in-a-pandemic.

I worked a few shifts at the shelter in the spring; once or twice at a hotel at Gerrard and Jarvis that they had repurposed to give the clients more physical distancing.

On April 28th, I went home from work with a symptom, and got my first COVID test. It hurt, but I expected it. I self-isolated for a couple of days while awaiting my result, which was negative.

On May 19th, I went for a second COVID test, as I had a symptom again. This time, due to the change in pandemic circumstances, I was told to self-isolate for two weeks, so I worked from home and didn’t leave the house. I discovered that the second half of May is the time when Lilac flowers bloom and then disappear.

While I was self-isolating, I decided to buy some APS film and fire up my old Kodak Advantix T500 APS film camera. It worked! For the next month or so (after the two weeks was over), I went around taking pictures of my world, having the benefit of many more years’ experience as a photographer than I had the last time I used film, back in 2004. I got some shots with a retro look, but with much better composition than before.

On May 28th, Ally and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary, at home with burgers from Great Burger Kitchen and a cake from Hype Food Co., both local businesses we liked to support.

In the spring, I concluded that the writing was on the wall regarding the shelter finding the funding to hire me back as a Gambling Addiction Case Worker. With all the layoffs and emergency pandemic spending elsewhere in society, there’s no way they were going to find the money. I later concluded that even if they found the money, I couldn’t work with Coworker A again, knowing that she accepted the one-year backup funding for the Gambling job, thus preventing me from continuing full-time, even though she could have gone back to her full-time job.

Around my last day as a GACW, the executive director told me about another job opening (that was a $5/hour pay cut), and said “We don’t want to lose you.” Well, they lost me. I busted my ass developing that gambling program, creating documents, making groups, doing counselling and outreach, and painstakingly logging and analyzing statistics, but they instead gave the backup funding to a worker who stepped in during the final year of the initial contract. I realized that I would be giving up 5 years of seniority, but I don’t work for organizations where my merits take a back seat to seniority – that’s how workers get the “fuck its”.

On June 6th, I worked a stressful shift, and on June 7th, I typed and sent my resignation e-mail. And you know what? It was the right decision. Unlike my last job that went sour (2015), this time I left on my terms, with my reputation intact. In the summer or fall, there was a COVID outbreak there and all the staff had to go home for two weeks. That’s not to say we won’t have an outbreak where I work now, but working in a shelter during a pandemic, with so many ins and outs, would have been more stress than it was worth. Plus, as I mentioned above, not continuing in the Gambling job allowed me to take a dream trip to Europe.

On July 7th, I got my third iPhone. Over the previous few days, my first-generation iPhone SE started malfunctioning. Apps wouldn’t open, the battery would rapidly lose power, and the phone would get really hot. So, given that four years had passed, I decided I could justify buying the new second-generation iPhone SE. This time, I ordered it online, and managed to set it up myself without going to a kiosk or calling my cell phone provider. It’s not as much of an upgrade as the jump from my iPhone 4 to my iPhone SE in 2016, but it’s still nice to get something new. Of course, it fell off the bathtub ledge into the empty tub the second day I had it, and my eco-friendly Pela case took three weeks to arrive.

In the spring, I got an idea to make a photo book for Ally for our upcoming 8th dating anniversary on July 15th. I spent a few months finding pictures of us and our adventures on various computers, phones, and hard drives, then editing them where needed and carefully positioning them in a custom Shutterfly book. I gave it to Ally on July 15th …and she loved it! I fully plan on doing another one for our 16th dating anniversary, because as I’ve said before, digital photos will not be forever. Someday our social media websites (including this one) will shut down and our hard drives will crap out, but books and the printed photo have stood the test of time. It’s expensive, but it’s worth doing if you have precious photos.

Ally got me a cake for our anniversary, again from Hype Food Co, which said “My husband hidey-hole is in my mind”, which is a paraphrase of a quote from yours truly.

Those of you who live in Southern Ontario will recall that starting around mid-June, we had a drought. The grass faded to pale yellow as a few weeks passed without rain. Finally we got a ton of rain in early August. Then the weather cooled off as soon as September came. We had another summer drought a few years ago, and the last few summers have been hot ay eff. It’s never supposed to feel like 40 degrees (Celsius) in Toronto. In case you’re a science-denier, think back to the last few summers.

Only July 23rd and 24th, we went out to try to see and get pictures of comet NEOWISE. Ally said she saw it, but I couldn’t. I suspect it’s because we live in Toronto and Ally has better night vision than I do.

That summer, Ally worked every Saturday at the shitty job she’d been redeployed to, and so I would walk her to work and then go on a substantial walk myself. I enjoyed those morning walks, because my overall walking distance this year was less than half of what it had been the previous three years. I had walked almost 5km a day on average between February 2017 and February 2020 as part of my commute, but now that I was driving to work again, all that exercise went out the window. My average for 2020 was a mere 2.3km/day.

In the middle of August, my job became permanent, and so I can say that in 2020, at the age of almost 35, I finally got my first full-time permanent job™.

I was really struggling at work throughout the summer and the fall. It was so much harder than when I worked a similar role in 2015, because we had all sorts of time-consuming pandemic-related precautions and procedures in place; a few of which took multiple days to complete, and because we had gone from rolling admissions (i.e., revolving door) to group admissions, meaning we had to spend a ton of time preparing for a bunch of guys coming in at once.

But I also recognize that I’m lucky to have a job at all this year, since so many people lost their livelihoods due to the pandemic.

At the end of August, I finally gave in and rented a storage unit. I had always thought it was a waste of money to rent storage space rather than throwing things out, but renting this storage unit is immensely cheaper than renting an apartment with an equivalent increase in floor space.

On my 35th birthday, Ally got me Completo and another cake from Hype Food Co, and I had a Zoom party, which is the best I could hope for, since it was zero risk for catching the coranavarice (the way I pronounce it, thanks to Irish Siri).

I also got a drone for my birthday (a DJI Mavic Mini), so now in addition to allowing the Chinese government to know where I was at all times (hahaha…ha…), I could take those cool overhead shots that I’d been coveting for a short while. I took the drone out 11 times between September 20th and Christmas Day (it’s not like a regular camera; there are a lot of rules I have to follow when flying it, and my drone is in the least rule-intensive category), and although the picture quality is a step down from what I’m used to with my SLR, it definitely provides new opportunities that I otherwise wouldn’t have had. In fact, a friend of my mother-in-law’s had seen some of my drone pics and then asked me to film some footage for a church in their area, so I went up on a cold day in October and had my first paid gig as a drone photographer…after flying it only three times before.

On September 27th, Ally and I drove to Presqu’ile Provincial Park and went camping together for the first time. We had bought a tent and other supplies, and it was a nice escape from work for a few days. We ate lots of snacks and saw lots of wild animals. Next year, Ally says she wants to try camping at Lake Superior Provincial Park, so hopefully the pandemic, and our vacation days, will allow it!

On October 6th, Eddie Van Halen (one of my guitar heroes) died, and the next day, Ally’s grandmother died at the age of 96.

Later in October, we saw the second Borat movie, which was hilarious as expected!

On November 3rd, like many of you, I tuned into the US election results, hoping to see Joe Biden crush Donald Trump in popular and electoral votes, and set the stage for a return to democracy and civil rights (“freedom from”, not “freedom to”; remember that!) Then I tuned in again on November 4th, and November 5th, and November 6th…and finally, while I was driving my car to the shop late in the morning of Saturday November 7th, Ally called and told me to turn on my radio because JOE BIDEN HAD WON! THANK SCIENCE ALMIGHTY!!! Jesus Christ, it was finally (almost) over! After I dropped off the car, I sat on a bench outside for an hour and a half, watching videos of thousands of Americans dancing in the streets because their version of Saddam Hussein finally lost the election they’d waited so long to vote in. You couldn’t wipe the smile off my face that afternoon 🙂

And, as of right now, there are only 18 days left before Joe Biden takes over!

Not that I expect Joe Biden will be the best president in history, but the world deserves a return to normal American leadership, where maybe we can see a restoration of commitment to combating climate change, and where people are only pitted against one another behind the scenes by the forces of capitalism, rather than being encouraged explicitly by a president lighting fires and then pouring gas on them like Tangerine Hitler has spent the last four years doing.

On November 9th, I started investing in the stock market directly for the first time (as opposed to a group RRSP with work). Ally had showed me a cell phone app, and I had wanted to start investing anyway, so on November 13th, once my first deposit cleared, I started by buying 3 shares. As of market closure on December 31st, I’m up almost $200, so I’m satisfied with that. That’s right, I just talked about personal finances on the Internet. “Oh, we shouldn’t talk about finances in public.” Well, that’s why younger people don’t know about managing money – because it’s kept secret. I’m just learning about investments in my 30s. I bet if you’re a Millennial or a Gen-Z-er, you don’t know much about investing either.

On November 15th, Ally and I celebrated our “100 monthiversary”; 100 months since we met each other in person for the very first time 🙂

On November 22nd, I discovered the slo-mo feature on my cell phone for taking videos, so I had a bit of fun with that.

On November 28th and 29th, Ally and I recorded a song she wrote for a class, called “How Do You Enter The Land?”, which I enjoyed and am proud of. I think it’s the first full-length, complete, original song that I’ve recorded since the Adam & Evil days more than 8 years ago. And I just found out that she got an A+ on it!

Because of all the stress we’d been under as a workplace during the pandemic, it was determined that everybody would get two weeks off around Christmas. I got December 19th to January 3rd off, and it’s been pretty nice, in spite of the fact that we can’t really go anywhere. I’ve gotten my 8 hours of sleep for 13 consecutive nights. I probably haven’t had that since I was a baby.

On Christmas Day, we ate breakfast, opened presents, went for a walk, called our family members, made a charcuterie dinner plate for lunch, and baked a turkey breast for supper. No close contact with anyone outside our household. In fact, it was the first time I was home for Christmas since in years!

I also took my drone out for its first below-zero flight, and of course I had a brief “flyaway”, but regained control before it hit anything. So my drone can actually fly when it’s below zero outside. We finished the evening by reading our new books. We had lights, food, music, snow, and each other. So other than not seeing family, it was a pretty traditional Christmas if you ask me!

I found out that a couple of drone photos I had submitted were selected for the local MP’s community calendar for 2021, so that was neat!

On December 28th, I recorded another song (guitar and drums), of a style pretty uncharacteristic of me!

Of all the years to be an introvert, this was the year. All these pandemic restrictions suck, no doubt, but other than a bit of a freak-out after my two weeks of self-isolation was up on June 2nd, I haven’t gone insane. My new job is harder than my old job, but when I’m not working, I’m happy to go for walks, stay in and use the computer, play guitar, and read books. The pull of socializing is far weaker than my need to avoid sick germs. I feel bad for extroverts, but it’s also nice for introverts to be at an advantage for once in our lives! I guarantee I’m not the only introvert to notice this!

Lastly, here are a few lists:

The following things became normal in 2020:
1.. Wearing masks when I leave the house
2.. Moving away from people as we pass each other on the sidewalk
3.. Holding my breath as I see a person approaching, before we pass each other
4.. Maintaining an invisible bubble of space between me and other people
5.. Family gatherings over Zoom instead of in person
6.. Carrying hand sanitizer became more vital than before (as a germophobe)
7.. Online shopping became more of a default
8.. Ordering groceries for pickup
9.. Not wasting money by browsing in stores
10.. Changing out of my work clothes before I sit on the bed

I read these books in 2020:
1.. Gave up on Inside Rehab by Anne Fletcher (started in 2019)
2.. Me by Elton John
3.. Nazi Germany and the Jews 1939 -1945: The Years of Extermination by Saul Friedländer
4.. Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation (adapted by Ari Folman)
5.. For Small Creatures Such As We by Sasha Sagan
6.. Origins by Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Donald Goldsmith
7.. Far and Wide: Bring That Horizon to Me! By Neil Peart
8.. The Smallest Lights in the Universe by Sara Seager
9.. A Promised Land by Barack Obama (started)

Favorite memes of 2020:
• Leonardo DiCaprio laughing with a drink
• Boys vs. Girls (time machine; lightsabers, etc.)
• Panik/Kalm
• Willem Dafoe/”you know, I’m something of a ___ myself”)

In terms of TV, we watched
• Season 4 of The Crown
• Season 2 of The Mandalorian (how about that last episode?!?), and
• All but the last two episodes of Schitt’s Creek, which is a hilarious show that I recommend!

In terms of music, I got more into the jazz, and bought a bunch of random songs from the iTunes music store. I don’t have Spotify. A few of my favorite songs of 2020 were:
• “El Taxi” by Pitbull et al.
• “Sunny Sunday” by Joni Mitchell
• “Inside the Houses” by The Versions
• “Merry Christmas Exclamation Point” by Jon Lajoie
• “Where do the Children Play?” by Cat Stevens
• “Places/Plans” by Skullcrusher

I only did a couple of paintings this year: A little painting called “Side of the Sun” on September 3rd; a Christmas card for Ally, and I finished that big blue painting of the eel-like triangle-head monster around April 2nd.

I posted 103 pictures to Flickr this year. I think this is the first photo I’ve uploaded that I took with my "new" L-series lens — that I bought almost two years ago! Such is my pace, I know, I know.

I baked muffins for the first time on June 13th, and chocolate bar surprise for the first time on August 22nd.

I only rode my bike twice this year (see my end-of-2019 “resolutions”), but I did spend a lot less time playing Pokémon GO. In fact, I think I gave that up while I was in Europe. By the end of the year, I was back up to an acceptable body weight, so I guess I had gotten worked up over nothing serious.

Finally, I don’t think anything made me laugh this year quite as much as Trump’s team holding a press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping 😀

Thanks for taking the time to read my summary of 2020, and I’ll see you in 2021!

Sources of data:


Posted by Loops666 on 2021-01-01 18:41:03

Tagged: , Happy New Year , light painting , blue , yellow , red , green , Christmas lights , long exposure , slow shutter

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