
Health, Wealth, and Abundance

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The ultimate lifestyle. Is it possible for the “normal” human being, to be able to achieve this type of lifestyle?

This question is one that dates back thousands of years. There were times in history the likelihood that someone would share this information was slim. Today it is readily available, and quite possible for all us all to live this dream. We just have to look for it.

When you picture the ultimate lifestyle, what do you see? To someone who is broke, it is probably being rich. To someone who is rich, but sickly, might picture being very healthy and fit, and to someone who is rich and healthy, it might be just getting away from stress and living a quiet stress free existence.

Regardless of your vision, to truly be living the ultimate lifestyle, it must be a combination of all three. Any one, with out the others isn’t a complete existence.

Through my business dealings, I have gotten to know some very wealthy people who are absolutely miserable. They tend to look to material possessions to make them happy. So they buy things. Before even getting delivery of the item, they are already looking for the next possession, that might bring them happiness.

With each additional purchase, they become more and more frustrated. In severe cases of this, they go out of their way to make people around them miserable.

We’ve all seen them. They’re generally the ones who are complaining about the service they’re getting, or the seats they’re in, or the waiter being too slow.

They’re the ones always demanding to see the manager, and they do it making as much of a scene as possible, usually stopping just short of standing on the table and screaming.

They have the misconception that money, or gadgets will satisfy the emptiness they feel. It isn’t going to happen. All the gadgets in the world won’t bring happiness. Happiness comes from within.

If this very same person would stoop so low as to volunteer at a local hospital or charity, they would quickly become happy. Their misery comes from knowing they are not a productive individual. People need to be productive. They need to have a purpose. Without that purpose, they are just an empty shell and are trying to fill the emptiness with material possessions.

Actually, for hundreds, and possibly thousands of years, it had been a secret, a closely guarded secret. It was believed, by the “chosen” few who were taught about it, or had stumbled upon it on their own, either it would no longer work, or maybe there wouldn’t be enough people left to do menial tasks. The law of attraction is the basic idea behind this secret. I was first given a glimpse of this secret in 1980. A good friend lent me a very old book, which was titled, “The Science of Getting Rich “, by Wallace D. Wattles. A big part of what I came away with from the book was, “Thinking In A Certain Way”. I was quite moved by this book, as it made so much sense to me, so I included it on this site. It is highly recommended reading, as it will clearly explain how to achieve Health, Wealth and Abundance.

Honestly, no, it’s not a secret, nor was it ever. There is no secret. What there is though, is a method. And the method should be common sense. But, unfortunately we are not taught some very basic things. Things that without being taught, or stumbling onto it on our own, make it seem like a well guarded secret. As it turns out, this “secret”, which is now publicized by many sources, is the very topic, written about by Mr. Wattles.

It doesn’t take long to figure that out. If you search google® for the most searched topics, (called keywords or search terms), the answer will become painfully clear. Of the top one hundred search terms done today, most were to gossip pages for rock stars, sports stars, or porn sites. Britney Spears was a popular search term. Why would anyone search for anything about Britney Spears? Is it because she is a good role model?

Only a couple were to something even remotely usable, like a home improvement question, or a “where to buy something”, type of inquiry.

Can anyone honestly say they think this information will help them in any way? It might help the rock star, although they are probably doing pretty well already. What could Britney Spears possibly offer anyone in the way of useful information? Why would anyone care what she’s doing? That’s the really scary part. Some people actually care enough to do a search on her.

We watch television and see these “very impressive people”, and want to emulate them. Why? They’re having trouble just staying out of trouble.

Here’s a thought to consider… Garbage in, garbage out. That will be the result of our “education”, by the television. If nothing of value is brought into our minds, nothing of value will come out.. Is there anything wrong with watching television…No, there is nothing wrong with it, if you want to be a couch potato. But wouldn’t it make far more sense to spend that time trying to improve our own life?

Life is short. We only have a certain amount of “free” hours available every day to dedicate on reaching our own dreams and desires. Why waste them?

It takes time to develop a new way of thinking. To make a concentrated effort on creating the lifestyle we want. Watching a rock star living the lifestyle we would like to have, won’t help ours.

If we wanted to drive to California, would we do a search for Hannah Montana? Of course not. So if we want a better lifestyle, why spend any time searching useless topics, or any not directly related to how to get us to our desired goal.

Do You Have A Plan? If you want something, do you go after it in a direct manner, (Plan A), or do you ignore it completely, and expect it will just show up? (Plan B). Surprisingly, most people are using plan B.

Common Sense, would suggest that we actually attempt to determine a direct path to our goals, and follow that path with a dogged determination.

Sometimes, unlearning is the most difficult part of a new direction for your life. If you don’t feel “unlearning” is important, look at where you are now, and it will be painfully obvious whether or not it is working.

Consider this statement, “if you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got”. A bit of a tongue twister, but very true. It would be foolish to expect to continue down the same path as always, and end up at a different place.

What we are taught, from a very early age is often a major part of the problem. How many times do we say “can’t”. How many times are we told, “you can’t”. Can’t is a four letter word, and should be treated as such. Don’t use it, or accept it! It will become a self fulfilling prophecy.

Think about where you are now, regarding your current lifestyle. It helps to actually write it down. Just list what you don’t like about your current situation. Be specific. Driving to California to visit a friend won’t help, unless you have a specific address of where to go. That should be line one of your paper, and will be your starting point.

Now, at the bottom of the page, write down exactly what you would like to have, what you would like to achieve, how you would like to live. Again, be very specific.

Now fill in the lines between the two, with exactly what is standing in your way. Sounds simple right?

For many, it is anything but simple. If you have no experience with setting and achieving goals, how could you possibly know how to overcome obstacles. Sometimes, unlearning is the most difficulty part of a new direction for your life. If you don’t feel “unlearning” is important, look at where you are now, and it will be painfully obvious whether or not it is working.

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Source by Lee Jesberger