
Public Response and Critical Reception of Naruto

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Naruto series became popular both in Japan and the United States. Overwhelming responses from the people and demand of it comic could be seen in terms of its sales. In Japan over 71 million copies were sold out of volume 36 and volume 43 sold 1.1 million copies during 2008 becoming the 9th best-selling comic from Japan. In the first half from 2009, it ranked as the 3rd best-seller manga from Japan, having sold 3.4 million copies. Volume 45 ranked 5th with 1.1 million copies sold, while volume 46 ranked 9th, having sold 864,708 copies and volume 44 at 40th place.

Ups and downs can be seen everywhere. This series too has received praise and criticism by several reviewers. A. E. Sparrow from IGN noted how some manga volumes focus only in certain characters to the point the number of fans increases. He was impressed the way Kishimoto manages to make remarkable combinations of fighting scenes, comedy and good artwork. The anime and manga magazine Neo feels that Naruto’s character as irksome but at the same time feel that the series has a sickening addictiveness to its level of characterization. Carl Kimlinger from Anime News Network (ANN) liked the designs of the characters very much. He also noted how even the “goofiest looking character” can act “damn cool” when he fights. He also praised the way battles takes place and how emotional it turns out to be at the end.

The fight scenes and the opponents in the series develop the interest among the readers and viewers. The artwork of Kishimoto was also commented by Lugo as it makes the story dramatic and exciting. The start of Part II has been praised in another review by Casey Brienza from ANN. She noted how well the characters were developed as they had new appearances and abilities.

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