
Seductive Mind Control For Easy Attraction

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When most guys walk up to a cute girl, they figure they’ve one shot to “impress her.”

We’ve been told that cute girls get approached all the time, and that they are so bored with come-ons that it’s going to take some Hollywood Super Star or world class race car drive to get their interest.

So if you’ve just finished your shift at McDonalds, you don’t stand much of a chance, right? You’d BETTER come up with some magical pick up line that impresses the heck out of her, right? You’d BETTER be so ultra cocky and funny that she suddenly forgets all those other guys, right?

Not so fast.

Yes, it’s true that cute girls get approached quite a lot. But this in and of itself is kind of a myth. It’s a myth promoted by “gurus” selling expensive courses. After all, if cute girls really WERE getting approached all day long, you’d better have some mad skills, right?

But in truth, a lot of cute girls don’t get approached at all. Since most guys aren’t rock stars or race car drivers, they all figure that they’d get shot down anyway.

In fact, if you’ve got any super hot friends, they’ll likely verify this. Most guys are pretty shy around gorgeous women.

Sure, they get checked out by guys all day long as if they were the last woman on Earth.

But getting checked out and getting approached are two different things.

So just by walking up to her, and starting a normal conversation, you’re already ahead of most guys.

And when you talk to her the right way, you’re good as gold.

But don’t make the mistake of trying to impress her.

If you do this, you’ll be putting yourself in the same category of every other drooling clown out there.

Most guys throw out stats about themselves, and hope they’ll get some kind of “reward.”

Instead, consider sharing with her aspects of you and your life that you genuinely like and appreciate about yourself.

And find out aspects of her life that she likes and genuinely appreciates about herself.

After all, attraction is based on feelings. Not things. Not statistics. Not accomplishments.

Sure, some things can “cause” attraction, but why not cut right to the chase?

With the right language patterns, and the proper mindset, “impressing” her will be easy, natural, and part of who you are.

They might seem a little strange at first, but she won’t know what hit her.

She’ll later tell her friends those romantic things that girls love to talk about.

How it just “happened,” and she doesn’t know why she likes you so much.

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Source by George Hutton