
Tag Game: 20 Questions!

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Tag Game: 20 Questions!

Lol this is an old photo of me back when my pimples were out of control! I also am not emo, I was dressing up!

1. Fave color: Orange

2. Biggest dream: To be rich and a doctor. To have a lot of dolls, and love.

3. Lucky number: Uhhh?

4. Celeb crush: Is it bad to say I don’t have one?

5. Sexuality: Homo……sexual ahah

6. If you could meet anyone on Earth, who would it be? Selena Gomez, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Allison Harvard, I could name tons

7.Middle name: Joseph

8. Believe in love at first sight?: Mehhhh depends

9. Allergies: People that smell bad; the stuff they put in Shirley temples

10. Addiction: dolls, fast food, videos on demand

11. Typical weekend: doing homework

12. Fave serial killer: I don’t think that you should favorite any serial killer?

13. Birthday: June 15th, 1998

14. Best friends: Chelsey, Julianne, Marie, Zoe, Taylor

15. Fave Food: fetuccini alfredo from the olive garden, or mcdonalds

16. Milkshakes or yogurt: milkshakes!

17. Cheetos or Fritos: Cheetos, fritos are boring tasting

18. Would you rather eat tentacles or screw a doughnut: screw a doughnut

19. Fave social media site: instagram/youtube

20. Current mood: can’t describe

21. Age: 16

22. Have you ever stolen anything?: yes, textbooks included

23. When did you get your first kiss?: ahahahha I kissed my reflection once

24. What is the wierdest food you like? oh gosh? What is considered weird food

25. Have you ever cheated on somebody?: God forbid I could get one

26. How long have you waited before taking a shower?: 2 days

27. Have you been in love with "just a friend?": yes

28. How many boys have you dated?: Uhhh 0, nobody likes me 🙁

29. What is your favorite movie? The Little Mermaid

30. Do you remember a lot of your dreams?: Sort of

31. What do you like about yourself?: Personality? Eyes (sometimes)

32. What is your favorite sport?: Badminton

33. Do you smoke or drink? Teens that do smoke and drink make me wanna hit myself because they are just so stupid

34. Do you like to play video games?: yes I love Mario games

35. What do you think of Valentine’s Day?: hate it!

36. How do you feel about tattoos? having a few is ok, but too many is just scary

37. Do you like anyone? Yes but no

38. Have you ever broken a bone?: Nope

39: If you could live anywhere, where would it be? NYC, Prague, Italy, anywhere in Europe except for the eastern part of it.

40. What is your biggest regret?: not telling someone I liked them

41. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: My nose or my whole face, my body

42. What are you scared of?: Being alone; being cheated on, and rapists, murderers, groups of teens etc

43. What was the name of your favorite toy as a kid?: I loved my American Girl dolls

44. What is your favorite cereal?: Count Chocula

45. Do you like cheese?: Yes

46. Who are you talking to right now? My head

47. When did you go to sleep last night? 1:00

48. Do you have armpit hair?: I hate armpit hair I scheeve it!

49. What is your favorite TV show?: Sex sent me to the ER

50. What is your longest relationship?: O days

51. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Japan, China, Czech Republic, England

52. Favorite song?: Anything by Selena Gomez

53. What do you want to be when you grow up?: A doctor or doll designer lol

54. What is the naughest thing you’ve ever done?: Sucked a toe

55. What is your favorite animal?: Omg with these favorite questions! I like butterflies I guess

56. Would you rather have love or a million dollars?: Maybe if you make the million dollars into 5 million then we are talking

57. How many kids do you want?: Kids cost too damn much!

58. Do you like messages? Yes I love them

Posted by kingdomorange2 on 2015-01-01 17:07:08


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