
Exercising Now Can Improve Your Mental Health as an Adult

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A recent study funded by the sportswear brand ASICS found a direct link between exercising in teenage years and improved mental wellbeing in adulthood. The study, which included more than 26,000 people, examines the relationship between exercise and state of mind across the world.

Researchers found that the ages between 15–17 are critical for establishing lifelong exercise habits. Fifty-eight percent of study participants who exercised regularly between those ages still exercised regularly in later life, versus 53 percent of participants who did not. People who stopped exercise before the age of 15 displayed the lowest mental wellbeing later in life, including being less focused, less confident, less calm, and less composed as adults, than those who were regularly active during ages 15–17. The study also found that each additional year a teenager remained engaged in exercise was associated with improved mental health in adulthood.

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