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apr 12 16-11-ps This is the reality of a hound dogs life in the cold mountains. Nothing but a plastic barrel that gets condensation on the inside, if they’re lucky, some get hay to go inside. This is their barrier from the harsh winter weathers where temperatures can reach in the teens for days/weeks at a time. The wind often blows the rain and snow inside. No escape, many animals freeze to death. If their water isn’t frozen, it’s likely contaminated with cancer causing agents from using old hydraulic oil containers, not suitable for drinking. Sadly this is my neighbor’s dogs, and it is completely legal to keep animals this way in North Carolina. I have spoken with him directly, begging him to care for their well being. I’ve offered to help him build adequate shelters… all to no avail. I have called authorities on him every winter and they come out to check. They pat each other on the backs… they are high school friends. Nothing happens! The dogs continue to lick their frozen water, and suffer yet another brutal winter. Horrible conditions, horrible life! I will keep documenting the conditions, I will keep reporting the conditions… one day, the laws might change, and I will finally get the dogs the justice they deserve.

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Full resolution images on website www.jenniferrobin.gallery do not have my signature on them due to different product dimensions. If you would like a framed print with a signed 1” border, contact me and I will upload one for you before you order.
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Posted by jenniferrobin.gallery on 2019-11-22 10:51:19

Tagged: , BUILDING , jenniferrobin.gallery,jennifer robin,photographs , ANIMAL ABUSE,ANIMAL CRUETY,ANIMAL RIGHTS , ANIMAL , MAMMAL,mammalia,wildlife,animal,animalia , CANINES,Canidae,Canid,Carnivora , DOG , DOG HOUSE , HOUND DOG , Walker Coonhound , NORTH CAROLINA,NC , Jackson County , napa , AW 46 hydraulic oil , journalism , documentation , napa auto parts

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