
Loneliness Has Increased Among Young Adults

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According to a new study by Harvard University, 36 percent of Americans report feeling lonely frequently or all the time. For young adults ages eighteen to twenty-five, this figure is even higher at 61 percent. Surprisingly, though, research collected by the American Psychological Association (APA) found that loneliness only increased by 5 percent during the COVID-19 pandemic, though certain groups—including people in low-income households, young people, and those with mental health conditions—experienced a greater increase in loneliness. Some ways to cope with feelings of loneliness include getting involved with groups and clubs related to your interest areas at school or online, spending time on a hobby or learning a new skill, or even simply cuddling with a pet. If you need to talk to someone, consider calling a free and confidential helpline, or you can seek professional help from a therapist or doctor if you feel overwhelmed by loneliness.

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