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Sisters and Friends

Happy New Year! Yes, I’m a little behind. Did you make any resolutions? If so, what?

My resolution this year is to be bold. I think between Facebook algorithm changes, the intense political landscape, a new family dynamic with a high-schooler and a baby, and even gaining weight (without having lost it) from my pregnancy… Well, it’s all manifested in me feeling a little uncertain. Social media can intensify insecurities. The trolling comments — and honestly, I’m lucky in that the vast, vast majority of those who interact with me are very nice — but, regardless, the mean-spirited comments, whether about my art or my family, started to make me feel like keeping what was special to me away from others. But in the end, that wasn’t making me happy either. I’m an artist and specifically, a portrait artist. I want to interact. I want to share, tell stories and hear them. Bottom line is that I can complain and retreat or I can change my reaction and response. My goal this year is to find the good in whatever situation I find myself, seek the positive, overcome the distractions and be transparent and unapologetic in pursuing a productive, healthy and meaningful 2018.

Whatever your goal, I wish you the best. I truly believe that art can bring positive change, both for its creator and its viewer. I wish you the power to change the lives of yourself and others for the better this year.

This portrait was taken indoors (in my dining room actually, lol), using window light, using a white board to help reflect a little light back onto my subjects. It is intentionally dark. Edited with JD Looking Glass Cool presets in ACR, Dark Splendor Actions and finished with hand edits in Photoshop.

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Posted by {jessica drossin} on 2018-01-09 19:52:12

Tagged: , Jessica Drossin , Photography , sisters , girls , women , teens , tweens , dark , red hair , red head , dresses , formal , www.jessicadrossin.com

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