
sleepwalkers beneath the Easter moon twilight balance each — other upon a high see-saw

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sleepwalkers beneath the Easter moon twilight balance each — other upon a high see-saw

   somnambulists under the full moon hold balance standing on a see-saw which is fixed to a rooftop-corner of a high-rise housing block.
Sculptor :   Hubertus von der Goltz
Installed :   September 1997
Location :   Eisenacher Straße, Berlin-Hellersdorf

Kunstwerke auf Hochhäusern Berliner Zeitung, Archiv » 1997 » 21. Juli
Ein Ensemble balancierender Figuren wird im September auf zwei Hochhäusern in der Eisenacher Straße aufgestellt. Die Idee stammt von dem Berliner Künstler Hubertus von der Goltz, der sich an einem Wettbewerb der Hellersdorfer Wohnungsbaugesellschaft WoGeHe beteiligt hatte. .. Die überdimensionalen Aluminium-Figuren sollen nach Beendigung der Dachsanierungsarbeiten im nördlichen Kienbergviertel aufgestellt werden. Sie symbolisieren den Balanceakt des Miteinanders im täglichen Leben der Menschen. Die WoGeHe will mit dem Ensemble das "westliche Tor zur Großsiedlung Hellersdorf künstlerisch gestalten". Die Wohnungsbaugesellschaft setzt jährlich drei Prozent ihres Investitionsvolumens für öffentliche Kunstwerke ein.

Hubertus von der Goltz The theme of my work focuses on the individual and the balance between thought, action and existence. To me this is a symbolic act: the balancing person has to concentrate on himself and his path – a basic human experience.
In my work, walkways, overpasses and bridges represent the variety of challenges we have to face in our lives. I show fragments of this infinite journey – metaphorical moments – reaching from the past into the future like rays of pure energy. Each of my figures walking its pathways exhibits a specific relationship to its environment. The viewer’s reflection and participation endows the figure with purpose and meaning.
Focusing on the present moment, the beginning and the end of each balancing-act is unseen. My wall paintings imply an infinite structuring of space, each division of space acquiring a different meaning, while the intersections give the viewer an opportunity to rest or change direction. Discontinuous events are fused by spatial structure into a single new reality. {Anfang und Ende dieses Balance – Aktes entziehen sich uns. Jeder Anfang ist auch ein Ende, – jedes Ende wiederum ein Neubeginn. Meine Wandbilder imaginieren ein unendliches Raumgerüst, das an jedem Ort seine eigene Bestimmung erhält. Die Kreuzwege sind für den Betrachter Standortbestimmungen und gleichermaßen eine Möglichkeit, den eigenen Weg zu ändern. Das Ungleichzeitige in der räumlichen Gleichzeitigkeit des Geschehens legiert sich zu einer neuen Wirklichkeitserfahrung.}

Hubertus von der Goltz Hauptthema der Arbeiten des Künstlers ist das Verhältnis zwischen Mensch und Raum, wobei Übergänge und Brücken dem Künstler als Sinnbild für soziale und psychische Probleme gelten, die der Mensch zu überwinden hat. Goltz’ auf Silhouetten reduzierte Figuren sind daher oft als über einem Abgrund balancierend dargestellt. (wikipedia)

Camera Data:
   Exposure Time: 15 sec
   Aperture: 5.5
   Focal Length: 23.2 mm
   Optical Zoom: 4
   Digital Zoom: 1.59375
   ISO Speed: 80
Taken on:
   March 29, 2010 at 21:56:47 CET

Fact or Fiction?: Waking a Sleepwalker May Kill Them Robynne Boyd, Scientific American, 08 Apr 2007      Sleepwalking, or "somnambulism," is part of a larger category of sleep-related disorders known as parasomnias, which include night terrors, REM behavior disorder, restless legs syndrome and sleepwalking. For the majority of people, sleepwalking consists of mundane activities such as sitting up in bed, ambling around the house or dressing and undressing. A minority of sleepwalkers, however, perform more complex behaviors, including preparing meals, having intercourse, climbing through windows and driving cars – all while actually asleep. These episodes can be as brief as a few seconds or can continue for 30 minutes or longer.
"In sleepwalking you are half asleep and half awake," says Carlos Schenck of the Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Center at the University of Minnesota Medical School, "The brain produces δ-waves and θ-waves, which really demonstrates that the person is in a twilight state." Sleepwalking commonly occurs during the third and fourth stage of non-REM sleep – the deepest stage of sleep – characterized by slow δ-wave sleep and little to no dreaming.
"Children developmentally are much more at risk of sleepwalking," Schenck says. "If a child does sleepwalk, waking up the child 45 minutes after going to sleep can interrupt the cycle. In general, soothing and leading them back to bed is the best way to handle the situation." Up to 17 percent of children have at least one sleepwalking episode. They peak between the ages of 11 and 12 and then decline during adolescence. Though rarer in adults (2.5 percent of the population), episodes could be caused by stress, lack of sleep or irregular sleep.
Still, more disconcerting than the occasional nocturnal stroll is the potential peril caused by sleepwalking. "Sleepwalkers can harm themselves and others, and even kill themselves and others, and they can engage in highly complex behaviors such as driving long distances, and hurt others with sleep aggression and violence," Schenck says. "So there are a number of ways that sleepwalkers can be dangerous to themselves and others during their episodes." For example, he notes, Sandy, a slender female in her teens, tore her bedroom door off the hinges one night. She was unable to replicate that strength when awake. And a young man frantically drove to his parent’s house 10 miles away. He woke to the sound of his own fists beating on their front door. In dramatic cases like these, doctors will prescribe benzodiazepines to ease a patient’s nighttime activity.

   twilight of the gods: Götterdämmmerung, Ragnarök.
   twilight 2008/I A teenage girl risks everything when she falls in love with a vampire.
   twilight sleep: a state of partial narcosis or stupor without total loss of consciousness.
   twilight home: a residential home for the elderly.
twilight zone: 1 an urban area that is becoming dilapidated, with decrepit housing and accompanying social and economic degeneration.
2 a conceptual area which is undefined or intermediate.
3 the lowest level of the ocean to which light can penetrate.
Worldwide sunrise, sunset | moonrise, moonset times for 2010 and 2011
"Ihr drängt euch um den Nächsten und habt schöne Worte dafür. Aber ich sage euch: eure Nächstenliebe ist eure schlechte Liebe zu euch selber. Ihr flüchtet zum Nächsten vor euch selber und möchtet euch daraus eine Tugend machen: aber ich durchschaue euer »Selbstloses«. Das Du ist älter als das Ich; das Du ist heilig gesprochen, aber noch nicht das Ich: so drängt sich der Mensch hin zum Nächsten. Rate ich euch zur Nächstenliebe? Lieber noch rate ich euch zur Nächsten-Flucht und zur Fernsten-Liebe! Höher als die Liebe zum Nächsten ist die Liebe zum Fernsten und Künftigen; höher noch als die Liebe zu Menschen ist die Liebe zu Sachen und Gespenstern."
(Friedrich Nietzsche in: Also sprach Zarathustra.)

Google Search Results May 2011 = 3100, june =1010.
Balancing Parenting Roles (Erika Krull @ psychcentral, 1. April 2010)
Japanese Days of the Week @ squidoo, 6. April 2010
UK election: EU press on the one month for ‘posh boy’ Cameron to battle Brown @ cafebabel, 2010/04|07
Sleepwalking Causes, Rem Syndrome @ answerbag
….Metaphorical meaning © ® Marieta Maglas @ poetfreak, 2010/04/11
….Putting The Puzzle Pieces Together (‘right balance’ between being real and blogging with authenticity) by Tia on May 19, 2011 · 10 comments


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Posted by oedipusphinx — — — — theJWDban on 2010-03-29 22:06:15

Tagged: , sleepwalker , twilight , Easter , full moon , balance , see-saw , lunatics , equilibrium , moonlight , bokehlicious , Hubertus von der Goltz , Berlin Hellersdorf , acrobat , Kunst am Bau , beneath , high above , Easter moon , housing , Wuhletal , somnambulists , Traumtänzer , Long Distance Relationship , Fernstenliebe

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