
Teen Athletes Redefine Limits at the Paralympic Games

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Some of the most exciting athletes at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games are teens, many making their first appearance on the international stage. Among this year’s youngest competitors are Iona Winnifrith (age 13, Para swimming), Bly Twomey (age 14, Para table tennis), Isaiah Benjamin (age 15, Para track and field), Jordan White (age 15, Para archery), and Victor dos Santos Almeida (age 16, Para swimming).

The Paralympics, which began as a small competition between British World War II veterans in 1948, are now the second biggest sporting event in the world. The Games not only promote diversity and inclusivity, but also highlight the determination, hard work, and amazing achievements of athletes with various physical, visual, and intellectual impairments. Nineteen-year-old Ezra Frech, who recently won his first gold in the men’s 100-meter sprint, says, “I try to use my platform to be an example for people with disabilities. I want to not only normalize disability but show what is possible with disabilities. I want them all to know that sport is possible for them.”

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