
The Prids: Skip This One


The Prids, are a band. They are like if you did an experiment where you locked some awkward Goth teens in a room with some musical instruments, never taught them how to play, and then let them out of a room when they turned 40 years old. When listening to their music and trying to find one song that I could write about that was any good, I couldn’t find one. I did discover that all the songs sounded like the same song. It is like albums of one song that has pauses between so they could name them something different. I can’t tell if their music is like the movie “The Room” where it wasn’t supposed to be terrible, but they played it off like it was always meant that way; or if what they do is supposed to be terrible on purpose. Like they’re making a statement to the world that we know we’re terrible, but who cares?

Why even write about a band that I would not recommend listening to, especially if they have never heard of them? Well, I guess it is because I was forced to listen to it for an article, and I really wanted to write something good about it. I can’t even say that it is worth listening to on a “it’s so bad that it is good” level, it is just plain bad. I think it was some cruel joke that I was tasked to write this. I mean, you could walk into any bar in the Midwest on Open Mic Night and find people with more talent.

I did notice that each album has new band members, and I’ve been unable to reach any for comment on why they left. I would really like to know some history on this Portland band, because at least I could fill my article with knowledge. They did have a song in a B-movie starring the Los Angeles madame, Heidi Fleiss, which if it is anything like the band’s music, I would avoid that unknown movie too.

On the bright side, you probably never heard of this band before reading this article, but you can always YouTube them and listen for yourself. Maybe you will disagree with me, and if you do, you can always comment below. Also, if any band members would like to comment, we would like to know if you’re purposely joking, or if you’re really trying?