
The Taken Movie Review

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Taken movie review Monday, 23 March 2009 15:16 Jeremy Grauer May ’09 – May 12th, 2009 Neeson delivers hard hit to the world of DVD . Taken’s hard hitting, action packed sequences offers what every movie should. Great acting, suspense and lots of action keeping you glued to the TV.


Liam Neeson delivers a hard hitting performance that hasn’t been seen by him since his crusade as Rob Roy. This is not to say that he hasn’t been living up to his expectations since, but now he has proven once again why he is the star that he is. While Neeson is offering the action that all viewers desire, co-star Famke Janssen continues to play the luscious and seductive woman that we have learned to love and admire.

Taken is the story that any parent would dread to be apart of. Bryan Mills (Neeson), a former CIA agent, and ex-wife Lenore (Janssen) have agreed to send their daughter Kim (Maggie Grace) on a trip to Paris. With the paranoia of something bad happening to Kim haunting Mills the unfortunate arises.

Albanese gang members take Bryan’s teenage daughter as hostage they offer a ransom to the ex-US government employee. Fortunately for Mills this is his specialty. However, when it comes to his blood and family, kidnapping is unacceptable. When the ransom is made an unexpected twist comes from the words of Mills as he swears to find the kidnappers and kill them.

This is a PG-13 (PARENTAL GUIDANCE) recommended film. Please pick this one up at the rental video store this week, you might be in for a ride.

SAYINGS: “Don’t visit EUROPE before seeing ‘Taken”

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Source by Jeremy Grauer